Advanced (but easy to use) 3D Flying Effect in AS3.0 - Flash Tutorials

Flash Tutorials

3D, Actionscripting, Animation, Special & Text Effects, Dynamic, Games, Basics, Interactivity, Math Physics and Web Design tutorials

This is a sweet way to simulate flying through a 3d stack of images. You have to wait a few seconds for all 3 images to load. It uses very little processing power, and it’s fairly easy to understand. It uses this magic formula: scale = focalLength / (focalLength + z). My code here is very well commented, so I’ll let it do the talking. If you have any questions, just throw them in a comment.

Btw, the images are pulled from Flickr, from a very talented photographer.

//Declaring the URL, the Loader, and the XML variables
var xmlURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest("images.xml");
var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
var xml:XML;

//Declares the image array
var imageArray:Array = new Array();

//Declares the variables needed for the 3D effect
//Try playing around with the value of these variables to make it look different
var focalLength:int = 50;
var distance:int = 0;
var distanceBetweenImages:int = 100;

//Telling the loader to load the URL

//Enter Frame event listener
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame);

//Detects when the loader has finished loading the data
xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, parseXML);

//converts the loaded data into XML
function parseXML(e:Event):void
xml = new XML(;

function displayImages():void
for (var k in xml.image)
//declares the movieclip that the image will be in
var imageMC:MovieClip = new MovieClip();

//gets the URL for the image
var imageURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest(xml.image[k]);

//declares the loader and loads the image
var imageLoader:Loader = new Loader();

//adds the image to the movieclip

//adds the image movieclip to the stage, and puts the image at the bottom of the image stack,
//but above the background rectangle with the gradient, you will have to change this number
//based on what you want to have behind your stack of images
addChildAt(imageMC, 1);

//puts the image movieclip at a position
imageMC.x = 18;
imageMC.y = 20;

//adds the image movieclip to the array of images

function onEnterFrame(e:Event):void
//creates the distance from the screen to the first image in the stack of images
//you can make this react to a scroll bar, or a slider, or anything you want
//making it react to the mouse is just for this tutorials demonstrational purposes
distance = (stage.stageWidth - stage.mouseX) - 200;

//loops through the image array
for (var k in imageArray)
//puts the spacing between the images
var z:int = distanceBetweenImages * k;

//figures out the scale
var scale:Number = focalLength / (focalLength + (z + distance));

//puts limits on the scale, based on how the scale is computed
//it is possible for it to be negative, we don't want that
//makes the image invisible after it gets realls close
if (scale > 1.2)
imageArray[k].visible = false;

} else if (scale < 0)
scale = 0;
} else
imageArray[k].visible = true;

//applies the scale to the image
imageArray[k].scaleX = scale;
imageArray[k].scaleY = scale;

//makes the image alpha the same as the scale, to add to the effect
imageArray[k].alpha = scale;

//places the image at the center of the screen
imageArray[k].x = (stage.stageWidth / 2) - (imageArray[k].width / 2);
imageArray[k].y = (stage.stageHeight / 2) - (imageArray[k].height / 2);

It’s pulling the URLs for the images from a very simple XML file.

Link to demo.

Link to FLA file.


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